Sunday, September 1, 2013

Arts and Crafts

Finished several San Man cross stitches

Cute Turtle with Charm. This title has double meaning, the strawberry charm and I find this turtle to be very charming, don’t you?

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I finish 2 owl pieces, a snow man owl

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and little piece with a blue owl charm.

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I finally put the stars on my Red White and Blue wreath. I found the little star flowers at Michael’s on clearance, they are perfect.

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And I got some more work done on owl and the pussycat. I am now on the second page.

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I made a sock Monkey. I bought a kit. I thought it was the actual Monkey. It was so much fun to make him that I am glad it was a kit to make your monkey rather than just the money. His name is Peejay.

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