Wow that sounds like it could be the start of a naughty post. But that is not that the case. Yesterday I did almost nothing all day. I mopped the kitchen floor and did a load of dishes. Mostly I just rested, let’s just say sometimes it is not so much fun to be a woman and leave it at that. I am sure all you ladies know what I am talking about.
So today with feeling worlds better, we did chores, lots of chores. The puppy got me up at 5:45 AM not bad since I usually get up at 5:30 anyways. But starting tomorrow I will start getting up at 5:20 to get me moving closer to 5:00am wake time so I can get up and walk the dogs in the morning before work, I need 30 minutes each morning to let me body get unstiff from being in the same position all night.
So I got up this morning, ran the dogs outside in the yard for 10-15 minutes, brought everybody in to feed them and then packed up the laundry to take to the laundry matt. My washer died a couple of weeks ago but in 23 minutes give or take loading the car and driving the mile to the laundry matt I was back home hanging the laundry on the line to dry. I have no dryer, in fact the whole of 4 years I have lived in this apartment, and the 5 I lived with my parents, we have used the lines outback. This time of year it is dry in an hour or less even at 7 in the morning. In a few more weeks, what you hung up first will be dry by the time you hang the last item. But that is 120 degrees for you.
So after the laundry was washed, I went to Fry’s our electric company has a pay station in the store so I can pay with cash, this is huge since I don’t have a checking account, credit card, debit, etc…. you can’t bounce cash. I picked up the Sunday paper while I was there. Unfortunately there wasn’t a lot of good ads. Maybe Wednesday’s paper will be better.
Came home and hung the laundry and then I woke the boy, it was about 8 by then. We started working on chores. I hung the can crusher and the boy crushed all out cans. While he was crushing cans, I puppy proofed the gate, the naughty little puppy wouldn’t stay in the yard. I still need to fix the gate, but that is a project for another weekend.
Last weekend I wore myself out digging a whole under the gate to play the paving stones in so all three of my mangy mutts couldn’t dig out.
The boy and I did a lot of chores inside too, we cleaned 3 snake cages, the bearded dragon’s cage, 1 turtle cage, and changes the water dish on all above plus 2 other turtles. We changes the cage carpet on the fire belly toads cage, had to untangle and froggy, orgy is the nicest word I can use, one of my poor little brown frogs had 3 boys attached to her, DAVE among them. I guess DAVE is a boy after all. I want to upgrade their tank, make it a real show piece. Even if they are just Fire Bellies, but I like my frogs, I think they are so cool.
There was a bunch of stupid chores to too, pick up the living room floor, the vacumm is dead and we have 3 dogs that bring in everything. So we picked up the big stuff off the floor. The boy put away the cat litter, changes the kitty box, dumbed the BBQ ashes into the trash can, tore up and tossed the boxes we use to have the cans in, I hung the wooden spoon I have from this giant set my Grandmother gave me, it fell from where it use to be and I just never got around to rehanging it, really it was me being lazy and not taking care of it before. We had some other chores, clean the bath, bring the laundry in, I do still need to fold it and put it away, only bad thing about doing all the loads and once is everything , 5 or 6 loads are all dry at the same time. Had to change the filters on the two fish tanks today too, that is once a month task.
We collect soda cans, or any cans beer, energy drinks, etc… when we find them, and we tend to just toss them in the car, we took them all out of the car and added them to our crushed cans.
Sad thing is a lot of the little things we did today were chores that should have been done ages ago, like when we brought the groceries home, or found the cans at the store. OR the can crusher hung a month ago when I got it. That sort of thing.
I can say I am doing the important stuff, keeping the yard raked up, the bathroom clean, the kitchen floor mopped and the dishes washed and the laundry too.
After all that the boy and I went out to run a few errands, we went to Petsmart and got dog food, we went to staples so I could make copies of the puppy training guide to introducing to your puppy to grooming process, so I can return the book to the library, I am ordering the book from Amazon that I copied it from up until it arrives I wanted to have the guide. Neo is terrible when I take him to the groomers and Sydney will be too big for her to be like that so I am socializing her to it now. Playing with her feet, ears, etc, so she gets use to it now. Anyways, we got some lunch at Schlotzkies, I had a small roast beef on rye, yum. We went to Home Depot, I need a 2x2 to construct the turtle pen and I got a hook to hang my frog with, my aunt for my birthday in October gave me this toadally cool terra cotta frog, hand painted and made in Mexico for my birthday. I haven’t hung him because I was terrified that he wouldn’t stay on the wall when I hung him up and I got 3 cabinet latches so I can fix a couple of my cupboards. Last stop was Game Stop to pick up the boys video game that we order for him ages ago. It finally was released.
So when we got home we built the turtle pen, it isn’t pretty but it will let the 3 turtles go outside now. We had to dig a ton of dirt out to get the pen down in the whole, now we need more dirt to fill the box up with. We raked up the yard, and then we each hit the showers. I am not doing my computer TO DO list stuff. Well not this blog, this is an afterthought. That and I had to show off the pooped puppy again and the turtle pen, it will work until I can build them the brick one.
Needless to say I am feeling all the work we did today, I am sore and tired, I think I got a little sunburned and not so dirty now, a hot shower sure felt great. I think it is/was well worth the effort, the house and the animals are clean and happy now. I have my feet up, and a big tall glass of ice cold water, my legs are tripping a little right now, Restless Leg Syndrome will do that though. Finishing up my computer stuff and then I think I will put on a movie and do a little stitching on Owl and the Pussycat, I haven’t worked on it in a while. Oh but I did finally finish my 6 little owl ornaments, I just need to get a picture of them and put the Felt on the back of them. I will post pictures hopefully with my next update.