Saturday, October 26, 2013

Bootiful Pet costumes

Today was the Bootiful pet costume contest at Petco. It was not a huge turnout. There was 6 dogs and 4 turtles. My turtles. The went out as a Garden Party.

Michelangelo “Mikey” was a Bumble Bee.  photo Petco27_zps5e58148c.jpg

Samantha “Sammie or Sam” as a Butterfly & Tucker (the only Tortoise in the group) went as a Lady Bug

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Tokka the smallest of the small was the Flower.

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I was only able to get pictures of a couple of the dogs. The first and second place winners.

First place was Buddy the Dirt Devil. He had wardrobe malfunction, his horns wouldn’t stay on.

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And I can’t remember the name of this dog, but he was a little cutie. He was the Frog, and his Mom came dressed as the Princess. He was such a good boy willing to stay put in the basket as long as him Mom asked him too.

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Tokka and Sammie made a new friend.

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The turtles were a hit of the pet costume contest. I don’t know how many times someone asked to take their pictures. They certainly had their Paparazzi moment today.

Tucker was happy enough to wander around the store. He stopped a few times to check out peoples’ feet or a dark spot on the floor, checking to see if it was edible.

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At the end of the contest, we packed up the turtles but let Mikey stay out for a little longer and stroll down the side walk outside of Petco. She was enjoying the heat from the sun, and drawing a lot of attention. People were stopping their cars to look at the Bumble Bee strolling along on the sidewalk.

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While those guys didn’t go to Petco for the contest, they did get to try on their own fashions.

Toothless has dragon wings made for him.


She was a little, ok a lot unhappy with me putting the wings on her that I decided that she could stay home. I didn’t want her freaking out on me and trying to take a plunge off my shoulder to the hard floor below. I am sure she didn’t mind at all.

My dogs and one kitty got to try on fairy wings. I bought them for Sydney, if I decided to take her to a contest any time in the future. Everyone got a chance to be pretty and sparkly for a few minutes and get their pictures taken. Of every one the cat tolerated it the best.


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Sydney (now 8 months old)

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I made the turtles costumes using felt, the red and the pink was sparkly felt, Sparkly sticky foam (the bee’s wings) pipe cleaners and pom-poms. Tokka flower was a pin I found the bargain bins at Michael’s I just took the pin off the back and glued on a belt. Next year when I make the costumes, Sammie will either have an elastic belt, as her belt made it had for her to walk, he nails kept getting stick in the belt or I will get her a stiffer belt like the one I put on Mikey. My Mom sewed the veins in Toothless wing’s and the butterfly and the dragon wings had pipe cleaners inside of them so that they could be posed. I used Velcro to secure the belt to the animals. It was safe and secure and could provide a quick release if I had to get them out of their costumes suddenly for whatever reason.

I would have gotten more pictures of the contest if I had been able too, my hands where full holding on to Tokka and following Sammie and Tucker. My son followed Mikey around as she was the most active of the bunch.

Everyone who attended the costume contest received a goodie bag. The turtles got a can of canned mangos, a reptile treat. I am sure they will love it. They also got a tennis ball, and even though I didn’t bring the dogs, they got a treat bag as well. A bag of peanut butter dog bones a few loose cookies from the dog treat bar and a tennis ball too.

The turtles each got a certificate of participation with their names on it.

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